You can do anything

So this is my first blog. And I can do anything. Oh yes. I’ve been deliberating/procrastinating/generally putting off doing this as I confess that I’ve been quite daunted by the prospect. And what to write about?

I hadn’t really got a clue what to start with. Then I came across the photo I took in February 2017 on Trafalgar Street of a David Bowie graffito in Brighton. I love Brighton and would go back and live there again without a moment’s hesitation. There is something unique about Brighton. Actually, there are a few things that are unique about Brighton. Nowhere else on earth has taken my heart and soul to the degree that Brighton has.

However, Brighton isn’t what I want to write about here. I’ll save that for another time. I want to set out my stall, as it were; make a statement of intent; a manifesto, if you will?

This is my blog, but I’m not really entirely sure what blog means. Perhaps it means lots of things? I’ve read a couple of good ones and a whole lot of bad ones. I’ve seen blogs masquerading as something else. Cooking recipes that tell me the life story of the cook with a sprinkling of cooking instructions. Maybe BLOG stands for Boring Life Of Guy? I’m sure that some days it will.

I’m not going to make any rash promises that I won’t bore anybody and I fully reserve the right to do that. If I want to do that it’s my blog, so there.

I will try and write stuff here as often as possible and try to make it as interesting as possible, as my mood takes me. I can’t promise that you will find it as interesting as I do. Or even as boring as I do, because sometimes boring is OK.

What I will promise is that I will do anything I want here.

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